Prince Harry and Meghan Markle find themselves under the critical gaze of royal socialite Lady Colin Campbell, who recently shared her candid thoughts in a personal YouTube video.
Campbell expressed her concerns about the couple’s apparent “grandeur” and its impact on their self-respect.
In her unfiltered commentary, Campbell highlighted how Prince Harry and Meghan’s primary focus seems to be each other, leading to a constant display of games and dramatics that involve the public as onlookers.
She questioned the couple’s bid to harp on the negative aspects of their lives perpetually and their quest for relevance.
Taking a firm stance, Campbell asserted that people with genuine self-respect do not engage in such behaviors.
She observed a sense of self-importance and demand for attention that seemed unbecoming of members of the royal family.
Furthermore, Campbell touched on the “negativity” surrounding the couple, likening it to a supporting cast member.
She expressed her worries about their seemingly convoluted and disturbing approach to handling their public image.
As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle continue to navigate life beyond the royal family, their actions and choices are subject to scrutiny from various perspectives.