In the aftermath of the royal wedding, a glaring truth emerges – Thomas Markle, Meghan’s father, has been left to struggle without the support he deserved from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Royal commentator Richard Eden sheds light on this troubling revelation in his piece for the Daily Mail.
Eden doesn’t hold back as he points fingers at the Palace for being “lacklustre” in their efforts to assist Thomas Markle during Meghan’s marriage.
He questions the absence of proper preparations and briefings for Mr. Markle, who seemed blindsided by the news.
According to Eden, the absence of any aide or initiative to fly Thomas to London and acclimate him ahead of the wedding is mainly baffling.
The Buckingham Palace aides missed an opportunity to offer him the support he needed during such a momentous occasion.
But the most puzzling aspect for Eden is Prince Harry’s lack of effort. Despite dating Meghan for an extended period, Harry never met his girlfriend’s father.
Eden points out the numerous chances for a private visit that were overlooked, allowing the situation to escalate to interviews and public statements from Thomas.
The heart-wrenching reality is that Thomas Markle was left to navigate the media storm alone. At the same time, his daughter and her royal husband could have offered the comfort and understanding any prospective son-in-law would provide.